Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach 5.09.1944 – 18.08.2014 |
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Dr.-Ing. E.h. Dr. h.c. Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach
5.09.1944 – 18.08.2014
Editorial board of Metallurgical and Mining Industry would like to inform that on August 18, 2014, professor, doctor of science, doctor honoris causa Friedrich-Wilhelm Bach has passed away.
Professor Bach led the Institute of Materials Science of Hannover University since 2001 to 2012. Owing to his successful scientific work, he has been elected the member of the German Academy of Science and Technology in 2006 and has become professor of Lower Saxony in 2012. We will always remember him as a charismatic personality who could inspire people.
Professor Bach gave a mighty impulse to German-Ukrainian cooperation in the field of metal forming and material science. There are more than twenty scientific employees and students were involved in that cooperation during last 15 years. Last seven years he took an active part in edition of scientific articles on metal forming.
For many decades professor Bach contributed actively to successes of the Institute of Materials Science. In 1972 Fr.-W. Bach, graduated from the Hannover Technical University in direction “Materials Technology” started working at the Institute as a scientific worker. He was nominated the extraordinary professor of the Hannover University in 1987 and in 2001 he came to the Institute of Materials Science as the director. Since 2005 to 2010 professor Bach was the Dean of Machine-building Faculty.
He was the speaker of many coordinated programs, for example in the field of special research “Technological chain for manufacturing of high-efficient construction parts by precision forging”. In addition, he is the author of the course of studies for post-graduated students “Manufacturing, treatment and certification of hybrid materials systems”. He was also the speaker of the research group “High-efficient connection technics for the hybrid structures”. Professor Bach made a great scientific contribution in the field of materials science and materials technology. Many years he worked as the expert for the German Research Society and the Working Group of Industrial Research Society “Otto von Guericke”. He was elected to the Special Collegium of the German Research Society “Materials Technology” in 2004. Beside that, he was the President of the Scientific Working Group “Materials technology”, the Special Group “Conservation” of the Nuclear Technics Society, the Special 6th Committee of the German Civil Aviation School “Special methods of welding and cutting”. He also was the Head of the Trusteeship Council of the Heinz-Piest Handicraft Technics Institute. As the board member, he contributed greatly to development of the Lower Saxony Center of Industrial Technics, Hannover Industrial Technical Center and Clausthal Center of Materials Technology. He was awarded with the “Verdienstkreuz am Bande” medal in 2006 and elected as the honorary member Higher Education Academy of Science of Ukraine in 2007. The Department of Industrial Technics of Bremen University nominated him Doctor of Honoris Causa in April 2009. The Faculty of Mathematics/Informatics and Machine Building of the Clausthal Technical University nominated him Doctor of Honoris Causa in May 2009.
We all lost the Scientist of the great reputation, the Thinker-innovator and Teacher.