Article requirements |
Manuscripts containing original material are accepted for consideration if neither the article nor any part of its essential substance, tables, or figures has been or will be published or submitted elsewhere before appearing in the Metallurgical and Mining Industry. Each manuscript is checked for plagiarism.
The article should contain section it refers to. Please specify the section before the title, in the top-right corner.
Scientific article volume
- Abstract (from 120 to 300 words)
- Key words (10 words maximum)
- Main text (from 5 to 20 pages)
- References (30 items maximum)
Format and style
For the main manuscript, the journal prefers to receive a single complete file that includes all figures and tables in Word’s .docx format (Word 2007, 2010, or 2008 or 2011 for a Mac).
Please use sesquialteral spacing throughout the text, tables, figure legends, and References and Notes. Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used. All tables and figures should be cited in numerical order. For best results use Times and Symbol fonts only.
Manuscripts should be assembled in the following order:
(For easy accurate assembly, download a copy of our Word template here.)
Titles should be no more than 96 characters (including spaces).
Authors information includes job position and scientific degree, place of employment with an indication of country and city and correspondent mailing address. It should be listed beneath the title of the manuscript.
Abstracts of research articles should explain to the general reader why the research was done, what was found and why the results are important. They should start with some brief background information: a sentence giving a broad introduction to the field comprehensible to the general reader, and then a sentence of more detailed background specific to your study. This should be followed by an explanation of the objectives/methods and then the results. Final sentences should outline the main conclusions of the study, in terms that will be comprehensible to all the readers. The abstract is distinct from the main body of the text, and thus should not be the only source of background information critical to understanding the manuscript. Please do not include citations or abbreviations in the abstract. The abstract should be 300 words maximum.
Main Text. The manuscript should start with a brief introduction describing the paper’s significance. The introduction should provide sufficient background information to make the article intelligible to readers in other disciplines, and sufficient context that the significance of the experimental findings is clear. Technical terms should be defined. Symbols, abbreviations, and acronyms should be defined the first time they are used. All tables and figures should be cited in numerical order. All data must be shown in the main text. References to unpublished materials are not allowed to substantiate significant conclusions of the paper.
Tables should be included into the text. They should be numbered in the order of their citation in the text. The first sentence of the table legend should be a brief descriptive title. Every vertical column should have a heading, consisting of a title with the unit of measure in parentheses. Units should not change within a column. Footnotes should contain information relevant to specific entries or parts of the table.
Figure legends should be sesquialteral in numerical order. A short figure title should be given as the first line of the legend. No single legend should be longer than 200 words. Nomenclature, abbreviations, symbols, and units used in a figure should match those used in the text. Any individually labeled figure parts or panels (A, B, etc.) should be specifically described by part name within the legend.
Figures should be placed within the text. Figures should be numbered in the order of their citation in the text. Schemes should be sequentially numbered in the same fashion as figures.
References and Notes are numbered in the order in which they are cited, first through the text, then through the figure and table legends. Place citation numbers for references and notes within parentheses, italicized: (18, 19) (18-20) (18, 20-22). There should be only one reference list covering citations in the paper. Do not use op. cit., ibid., or et al. (in place of the complete list of authors' names). Harvard referencing is required.
Notes should be used for information aimed at the specialist (e.g., procedures) or to provide definitions or further information to the general reader that are not essential to the data or arguments.
Acknowledgments should be gathered into a paragraph after the final numbered reference. This section should also include complete funding information, a listing of any competing interests of any of the authors.
You can submit your paper on: [email protected] or [email protected].
After the acceptance of the article the author should fill in the Copyright status form.