Монография "Theoretical foundations for conceptually new rolling stock modules. Part 1" |
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05/04/2018 10:07am
Monograph"Theoretical foundations for conceptually new rolling stock modules. Part 1" Authors:Gorbunov M. I, Fomin O. V, Kovalenko V. V, Domin R. Yu. Annotation:The existing procedure for rolling stock synthesis applies the conventional methods of design and material selection. Having the objective to change the technical-and-economic indexes for the rolling stock with regard to the contemporary science and technology development, we need breaking through technologies, scientific concepts and new engineering solutions capable to increase the system efficiency. This monograph reports on the results of the research carried out by the team of the scientists for defining the ways of theorizing the design of conceptually new modules of the rolling stock. We wrote this book for scientists and engineers whose fields of the professional expertise are related to design and research of railway rolling stock, it also could be useful for the university teachers, students, post-graduate students of the named sphere. Reviewers:V.L Horobets, doctor of Technical Sciences, principal researcher of scientific and research testing centre on dynamics and strength of the rolling stock of Dnipropetrovsk National University of Railway Transport named after academician V. Lazaryan V.H Masliiev, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor at Electronic system and complex of vehicle, National Technical University “Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute” O.V. Ustenko, doctor of Technical Sciences, professor, dean of Faculty of mechanics and Energy, professor at Chair of Operation and Maintenance of Rolling Stock at Ukrainian State University of Railway Transport (UkrSURT).
UDC 629.4.02 (02.064) ISBN 978-966-921-164-4
This monograph is recommended for printing by the Science Council of Volodymyr Dahl East Ukrainian National University (protocol No 12 dd 27.06.2017)
ПрезентацияКонтактыКонтактыНАШІ КОНТАКТИ: м. Дніпро ISSN 20760507 Керівник проекту - Гриньов Володимир Анатолійович |