Michael Gasik |
Specialisation in electrometallurgy, ferroalloys, ceramics and materials engineering.
Editor of the "Handbook of Ferroalloys: Theory and Technology" (Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK, 2013).
Reviewer of the International Ferroalloy Congress (INFACON), European Commission programs, Research Executive Agency, Joint Undertakings, science foundations of Portugal, Estonia, Luxembourg, Germany, Cyprus; scientific journals like Journal of Power Sources, Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, International Journal of Solids and Structures, Journal FGM Forum Japan, Journal of Materials Processing Technology and others.
Author and co-author of about 300 papers, books, preceedings and patents.
Member of The International Advisory Committee on Functional Graded Materials, Japan, 1994; Co-chairman of European side, 2002-2006
Memebr of The Association of Mining and Metallurgical Engineers of Finland, 1998
International Energy Agency, ExCo meeting, representative of Finland, 2004-
Member of the board of Japanese Society for Promotion of Science, Finland chapter, 2013
Honorary Member, TechNet Alliance, 2013
Full member of the Academy of Sciences of the Highest Education, Ukraine, 2014
Recepient of M. M. Dobrohotov's Award for the outstanding achievements in the field of metallurgy and materials science, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, 2013.
Award by The National State Prize of Ukraine, 2015.