Aleksander Sladkowski |
Name and surname: Aleksander Sladkowski (23.11.1956)
Master: 1978 - Dnepropetrovsk State University (DSU).
Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (PhD): 1987 - DSU.
Senior Researcher: 1989 - Higher Attestation Commission of the USSR.
Doctor Habil. of Tech. Sci.: 1997 - National Mining Academy of Ukraine.
Docent: 2001 - The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Professor: 2002 - The Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine.
Nostrification of professor title: 2002 - Polish BAR&IE.
Full professor: 2007 – Silesian University of Technology (SUT).
Head of Department of Logistics and Industrial Transportation: 2009 - SUT.
Professor honoris causa of USURT: 2013. Academician of Russian Academy of Transport: 2013.
Medal of the National Education Commission: 2014.
Doctor honoris causa of EUNU: 2015.