The Influence of Deformation Process at Titan Aluminides Retrieving by SHS-compaction Technologies

The Influence of Deformation Process at Titan Aluminides Retrieving by SHS-compaction Technologies PDF Full text 

B. Sereda, I. Kruglyak, A. Zherebtsov, Y. Belokon’

Dept. of Material Science & Metal Forming, Zaporizhzhya State Engineering Academy
Zaporizhzhya, Ukraine

UDC 621.791

Metall. Min. Ind.2011, Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 59-62


The researches of deformation process at titan aluminides receiving by SHS-compacting are carry out. The dependences of compacting pressure on ingot’s geometrical sizes and density are established for various types of titan aluminides. The kinetics force parameters at pressing process are modeled and experimentally confirmed. Also the researches on determination of different ingots zones compacting at pressing are executed. It is established that central zone of ingots are compacted with more degree in comparison with border zone. The radial pressure changing on pressure equipment at SHS-compacting is analyzed. The non-isostatic deformation coefficient at pressing of titan aluminides batched ingots was founded. It is determined that SHS-compacting depends not only on energy-force parameters but also on temperature, phase structure, synthesized product aggregative state. So the model of force SHS-compacting depends on many factors and its researching can directly solve the question of heat-resistant materials retrieving on Ti-Al base.





"Metaljournal" publishing
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