No.8 |
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Constructional design
Olena Slavinska, Olena Usychenko, Alina Kvatadze, Serhii Prykhodko
Method to incorporate the climatic changes for determining freezing depths of road constructions
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Engineering science
Ishchenko A. A., Kakareka D. L.
Mechanical Properties of Composite Materials under Conditions of Impact Loads Action
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Logistics in industry
Dolgova N. D.
Oil and gas vertically integrated companies of Russia: logistics problems
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Machine building
V. M. Ishchenko.D. V. Fedosov-Nikonov
Long Wheelbase Flat Wagons: Structural Strength
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Materials science
Gayduk S. V., Tykhomyrova T. V.
Weldable corrosion-resistant nickel-based cast superalloy ZHC3LC-М
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Fomin O. V., Tsymbaliuk A. V.
Synopsis of development of wagon materials fatigue failure
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Mining production
Liashenko V. I., Vorobiev A. E., Andreev B. N., Vorobiev K. A.
Development of mining technologies of underground block leachingof metals from the ores off-balanced in terms of useful component
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Samokhval Volodymyr Mykhailovych,Shtoda Maksym Mykolaiovych,Havrylin Serhii Yuriovych,Heimur Kostiantyn Heorhiiovych
Analysis of the effect of operating parameters of hydrodynamic bearings on the accuracy of rolling in finishing units of wire mills
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