No.4 |
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Lyashenko V. I., Gurin A. A., Topolniy F. F., Taran N. A.
Justification of environmental technologies and means for dust control of tailing dumps surfaces of hydrometallurgical production and concentrating plants
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Engineer pedagogics
Suryakova M. V.
Individual’s interpretation: evaluation criteria
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Engineering science
Popov S.O. , Malinovskiy Yu.A., Malinovskaya S.I, Danilina G.V. , Solonichenko Yu.N.
Reasons of drilling assembly vibration during the operation of rotary drilling rigs
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Usenko R. V., Matvieieva M. O., Klimovych B. V., Repyakh S. I.
Strength of liquid glass ceramic shell mold
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Petrushov V. V., Zaruba E. R., Poganyuk L. I., Rutskaya E. O., Martynov M. S.
Increase of efficiency of railway junction with application of intelligent model module of railway station
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Materials science
Kutzova V. Z., Nosko O. A., Sulay A. M.
The influence of magnetic processing on properties and phase composition of alloyed semiconductor silicon
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Mining production
Vorob’ev A.E., Lyashenko V.I., Mulyavko V.I., Vorob’ev K.A.
Improvement of technologies and technical means for ore mining and processing industry
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Zakusylo Roman, Kravets Viktor
Regularity of low-speed detonation processes in the shock-tubes
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Pipe and tube production
Rakhmanov S.R., Vyshinsky V. T., Povorotniy V. V.
Comparative analysis of stress-strain state of rolls of rolling stand of cold reducing mill
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Andreiev V.V.
Investigation of the deformation resistance of alloy Al-6% Mg alloyed with scandium at hot plastic deformation temperatures
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