No.2 |
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Fomin Volodimyr, Stukalo Alina, Fomin Oleksiy, Kovalchuk Halia
Economic evaluation of using upgraded hopper cars for transportation of hot pellets and agglomerate of 20-9749 model
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Engineering science
Thaer Abdulwahhab Shihab
Calculation of the temperature fields in mechanical seals for the oil centrifugal pumps
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Tolstikov G.I. , Povorotny V.V. , Rakhmanov S.R., Krishin S.M.
To the question of creation of the working stand cold rolling mill pipe with safety device
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Machine building
Belodedenko S. V., Ibragimov M. S.
Models for optimization the preventive maintenance schedules of mechanical systems in metallurgy
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Cherniak H.Yu., Shcherbyna Yu.V.
Principles of building of computer model of passenger cars dynamics for high-speed movement
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Materials science
Gutema Endalkachew Mosisa, Bazhin V.Yu.
Properties of Aluminum Metal Matrix Composites Reinforced by Particles of Silicon Carbide using Powder Metallurgy
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Akhundov V. M., Kostrova M. M., Naumova I. Ju.
Graphic Visualization of Deformed Fibre-Reinforced Materials
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Petrova Alexandra, Shadrunova Irina, Skakova Tatyana, Chekushina Tatiana
Processing of finely dispersed aluminum waste with different content by-product metals
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Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals
Mnyh A., Yakovleva I. G., Pazyuk M. Yu., Zherebtzov A. A.
Optimization of layer structure of sintering mixture composition in order to stabilize the thermal conditions during sintering
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Mining production
Vorob’ev Aleksandr, Shchesnyak Evgeniy, Singkh Ragkhav Dzhugendra, Shchesnyak Kirill, Vorob’ev Kirill
Transition to advance technologies of subsoil use
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