No.1 |
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Maria Stefunko, Vera Zhilina, Irina Shadrunova, Tatiana Chekushina
Cadmium in the anthropogenic load on the biota
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Molokanova V.M., Petrenko V.O.
Organization development project management in the system of synergetic knowledge
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Engineering science
Aleksandr Uchitel, Natalia Dats
Increase in productivity of sintering machine and sinter quality by improvement of ore preparation for sintering
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Machine building
Vjacheslav Kovalenko
Structural and functional analysis of tank containers
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Fomin O.V., Osmak V.E., Valigura M.Ja.
Tests to determine the automatic braking systems characteristics of gondola cars of domestic production
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Stetsko A.А.
Development of classification for bearing system prestressed structures
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Olena Slavinska, Vyacheslav Savenko, Olena Usichenko,Alina Kvatadze
The method of accounting infiltration of atmospheric precipitation to calculate drainage facilities
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Metallurgy and heat treatment of metals
Parusov E. V.,Sahura L. V., Gubenko S. I., Sychkov A. B.
Increasing the strength class of rolled steel made of high-carbon steel in the stream of continuous wire mill
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Movchan A.V. ,Bachurin A.P.,Chernoivanenko E.A.
Transformations with liquid phase presence in sintering of powder high-speed steel
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Mining production
Alexander Vorobev, Vladimir Demin, Rustam Khodzhaev,Tatiana Demina
Research of segregation zones of marginal rocks for prediction the rigidity of rocks roof and sides of mine workings
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Ekaterina Zavarukhina, Irina Shadrunova, Natalia Orekhova, Tatiana Chekushina
Action selectivity of consecutive use of collectors during flotation of copper-zinc ore
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Pipe and tube production
Henryk Dyja, Vladimir Grigorenko, Oleksii Mishchenko
Development of forecasting method of change of transverse variation in wall thickness in case of cold rolling of pipes made of titanium alloys
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